Health: October 2007 Archives

by Kai Wright

When President Bush vetoed the bipartisan children’s health bill last week, the administration said he aimed to put “poor children first.” But what the White House has actually done is once again put an ideological agenda ahead of America’s wellbeing—and cynical distortions ahead of reality.

Predictably, the administration’s hammer will fall most heavily on children of color, for whom the state-run network of public insurance programs, called SCHIP, has been a lifeline.

Since its creation in 1997, SCHIP has cut the number of uninsured black children by nearly half and the number of uninsured Latinos and Asian Americans by almost a third each, according to the research and advocacy group Families USA. Vast disparities remain, as racial and ethnic minorities still account for 60 percent of the roughly 9 million uninsured kids.

So a broad swath of lawmakers came together this year to finish the job. They crafted a compromise bill that would have allowed SCHIP to cover 3.8 million more kids and thereby cut the number of uninsured by nearly half. The president vetoed it.

The White House has spun a dizzying array of misinformation to justify what polls have shown to be a stunningly unpopular move.

Bush primarily claims he can’t support the bill because it opens SCHIP to middle-class families but does nothing to draw in more of the poor children who are already eligible but not enrolled. Yet, a full five weeks before Bush’s veto, the Congressional Budget Office reported exactly the opposite: 85 percent of the kids who would be newly covered are currently eligible but not enrolled in public insurance.

The claim that the bill covers middle-class children is equally fantastic. The bill includes fiscal punishments for states that let in families who earn more than 300 percent of the federal poverty level—which adds up to around $62,000 for a family of four. Three quarters of those covered by the bill would have incomes less than $41,300 for a family of four, according to Families USA. Apparently, the president considers that middle class.

Perhaps it was that claim’s weakness that prompted the White House’s resort to race baiting. The administration said the bill would cover illegal immigrants, when in fact it plainly continues the existing policy of excluding legal immigrants until they’ve been in the country for five years.

Finally, Bush said he nixed the bill because Congress hadn’t worked with him. To the contrary, leading members in both parties repeatedly sought compromise with him. But the White House isn’t interested in compromise; it’s interested in advancing a zealous campaign to dismantle government health programs in favor of a predatory private market.

We’ve seen this playbook before: Repeat lies until they pass for truth. Stonewall both friends and enemies alike. And push ahead with a predetermined agenda, regardless of facts on the ground. That approach to policymaking created a foreign policy disaster, and it will spawn similarly disastrous results for our children’s health.

Northwest Federation of Community Organizations (NWFCO) responds to President Bush's SCHIP veto.

Yesterday was a day of reckoning, sort of. The House didn't override the
President’s SCHIP veto, but an important lesson or
two will come out of the fight.

Early on, President Bush tipped his hand by vowing to veto, the kids be
damned. He put the private health insurance industry first and was pretty
transparent about it. That gave SCHIP supporters bait for proclaiming his
hard-heartedness – not that we could ever match the viciousness of the

We haven’t been quite as vocal about everything at stake in SCHIP, though.

Racial Profiling based on language
In Arizona, legal immigrants are facing verbal abuse and accusations of taking away jobs. These threats are based on the assumption that if a person does not speak English, s/he cannot be legal. Discrimination and racial profiling based on language has been on the rise in the area. The Associated Press

Low-income children denied health care
President Bush's veto of a bill to expand child healthcare has been met with national outrage. Funding continues to be prioritized for the war in Iraq, while health care for low income communities seems to have been put on the backburner. BBC News

The Largest Illegal Immigration Sweep Yet
Up to 1,300 illegal immigrants with criminal records or deportation orders have been rounded up in Southern California, with 600 of them already being deported. The scale of this operation as a method of 'setting an example' brings into question what real reform is being made within immigration policy. US News

More Blacks/Latinos in Jail, Not in College Dorms
Civil rights advocates are appalled by figures showing that more young blacks/latinos end up in jail than in college. The statistics point to a systemic problem that upholds incarceration as opposed to education for minority populations. MSNBC

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