$100 Million! Something is Out of Wack

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"Despite being bailed out with more than $170 billion from the Treasury and Federal Reserve, the American International Group is preparing to pay about $100 million in bonuses to executives in the same business unit that brought the company to the brink of collapse last year."

The maximum benefit for a family of three receiving cash assistance in the state of Mississippi is $170 a month. In Texas it's $223. In Illinois it's $396.

$100 Million. $170. Hmmm.

I'm just saying.

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The AIG decision makers need to be taken out to a barn and horsewhipped.

I work at a company that did very well last year, but instead of receiving bonuses and gain sharing, anyone who makes more than 50K will receive a pay cut as of April 1 2009, there is a hiring freeze for at least one year, no bonuses, no raises, etc.

We know 2009 will not be as good as 2008 and we are preparing for it. By taking these measures now, we hope that we will be able to weather the storm without laying off any employees.

For AIG to give out bonuses--particularly under these circumstances--is outrageous and almost obscene. Yes, they deserve to be whipped.

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