Malena Amusa
Every Valentine’s, Fewer Inter-racials
Asian-American men and black women are least likely to be celebrating Valentine’s day today, if this video and Census data is correct. These are the most single groups in America.
Hispanics are less likely to date outside their ethnic groups, due to a widening pool of Hispanics to choose from, a recent study study shows.
“The result is that the number of native-born Hispanic men in intermarriages with whites declined by nearly 4 percentage points between 1990 and 2000 – from 35.3 percent to 31.9 percent. The number of native-born Asian American men in intermarriages declined from 50.2 to 45.8 percent.”
Happy V-Day, Ya’ll!
Posted at 10:53 AM, Feb 14, 2007 in Permalink | View Comments