Malena Amusa
American Racism has Global Impact
A German army instructor ordered a soldier to envision himself in New York City facing hostile blacks while firing his machine gun, a video that aired yesterday on national television showed.The president of the Bronx, the New York City borough that the army instructor referred to in his directions to the soldier, demanded an apology from the German military and said the clip “indicates that bias and assumptions and racism is alive and well around the world.”
Coming after scandals involving photos of German soldiers posing with skulls in Afghanistan and the abuse of recruits by instructors, the video seemed likely to raise more questions about training practices in Germany’s conscript army. —AP reported/More story in New York Daily News
Posted at 7:34 AM, Apr 16, 2007 in News | Permalink | View Comments

Unfortunately, I recall racist statements made by other race groups against Blacks made apparently because they thought it would somehow be accepted. Ironic because I don't see a Klansman accepting the Korean man any faster than a Black man.
Posted by: Paul | April 24, 2007 10:02 PM
I am half GERMAN half ZAMBIAN, living in Botswana, AFRICA. I appreciate the extensive media exposure that this important problem deserves to the fullest.
You may find it awkward for me to find this topic interesting but this topic captures me because on numerous occassions i have realized where the society in Germany has monstrous outburst regarding being civil to foreigners even if they only from a few miles next door, AKA POLAND. It frustrates me that the German society displays this ugly form of desperation.
On the other hand it surprizes me how the english and americans find these conflicts between people entertaining and convenient to satisfy their appetite for being recognized around the world as the NOT-RACISTS. I have realized this on more than one occation. From my experience when I've been to Germany observing what I believed to be the stereotypical racists I learned that their hatred for foreigners was almost directly linked to their desperation and failures. Have you seen in what kind of conditions these guys live in. Its jealousy.
I have seen the FOOTAGE and what captured me was not only the ugliness of his words but also his primitive way of thinking.
NOW taking a SHOT racism in America. Why is it that when a black guy found hanged with removed testicles in the bushes is NOT an issue in the America but when a realy stupid looser displays his ugly thoughts the rest of the world attempts to make a self-satisfying campaign that makes them look good but ignorantly reject the importance of learning a leason from these social monstosities.
I recommend everyone to find this very VERY Important BOOK written by my favourite writer Chinua Achebe. The book is called 'Anthills of the Savanah'.
Posted by: Nizaa | April 25, 2007 9:44 AM