Andre Banks
“Asian Supremacist” Kenneth Eng in Jail
Kenneth Eng, the former Asianweek writer fired for his column a few months back describing 10 reasons to hate Black people, found his crazy self in jail this week.
An SFGate story from Angry Asian Man:
‘Hate’ columnist Eng arrested in N.Y. for alleged harassment(05-23) 12:44 PDT NEW YORK CITY — Kenneth Eng, the author of a controversial AsianWeek column that described reasons to “hate” black people, is being held in a New York jail without bail on assault and harassment charges.
Eng, 23, was arrested on suspicion of threatening to kill his Queens neighbors and one of their pets. He was arraigned May 11 on charges of attempted assault, menacing, possession of a weapon and harassment.
Eng allegedly approached the mother and daughter as they stood in their driveway with their pet and said, “If your dog bites me, I will kill you and your family.” He then called the mother fat and lazy and swung a hammer at her and the dog, according to the Queens district attorney’s office.
Eng used to be a regular contributor to San Francisco-based AsianWeek, writing from New York. He was fired in February after public outcry over his racist and discriminating columns. In his writings, Eng called himself an “Asian supremacist” and listed reasons to hate black people as well as Asians and whites.
Eng’s attorney has asked that he undergo a mental examination. He is scheduled to return to court in Queens on June 13.
Mental examination, indeed.
Oh Kenneth Eng, you sad little supremacist. Your reign of terror in words and on the streets has come to a dramatic end. Documented violent wacko. You’re done. Your “career”? It’s a wrap. Buh Bye…
Posted at 7:36 AM, May 24, 2007 in Media Analysis | Permalink | View Comments