Malena Amusa
Racist Cinco de Mayo Spoof Surfaces
Here we go again. Our supposedly racism-free youth at their finest. Thanks to Tereza and Kyla for the tips. I’ll have some links coming out tomorrow, but in the meantime you can read about it here.
University of Delaware sophomore Lauren Boroski says she wasn’t thinking when she and others dressed as Latino gardeners and gangsters for a South of the Border party that offended a campus Latino group.Boroski apologized last night at a forum on race at the university’s George Read Hall but the other students involved weren’t present.
The group Campus Alliance de La Raza protested after photographs of members of the honors fraternity Phi Sigma Pi wearing the costumes were posted on the Internet. The party was not sanctioned by the fraternity.
Some of the photos show students dressed as gardeners wearing work shirts with “Pedro” and “Jose” name tags and a racist slur. Some photos pictured three students in shirts with the word “Mexico” on the front, and “Spicy,” “Full of Tequila” and “Hott” on the backs.
Posted at 1:14 PM, May 11, 2007 in News | Permalink | View Comments