The News
FBI testimony undercuts Gonzales; Obama gets real
Sen. Obama calls Sen. Clinton a Bush-Cheney lite. Agree?
F.B.I. Chief Gives Account at Odds With Gonzales’s. Such a distraction, this case.
he director, Robert S. Mueller III, told the House Judiciary Committee that the confrontation was about the National Security Agency’s counterterrorist eavesdropping program, describing it as “an N.S.A. program that has been much discussed.” His testimony was a serious blow to Mr. Gonzales, who insisted at a Senate hearing on Tuesday that there were no disagreements inside the Bush administration about the program at the time of those discussions or at any other time. —NYTimes
Obama Says Clinton Is ‘Bush-Cheney Lite’. Now that’s what I’m talking about.
Senator Barack Obama continued to press his case against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday, calling her “Bush-Cheney lite,” which prompted her to fire back — on camera — that the escalating dispute with Mr. Obama was “getting kind of silly.”—NYTimes
Accustomed to Their Own Atrocities in Iraq, U.S. Soldiers Have Become Murderers. Soldiers should have to make individual reports on how many people they kill.
But slowly returning veterans are giving us a new narrative of the war — one that exposes the vast enterprise of industrial slaughter unleashed in Iraq for a lie and sustained because of wounded national pride and willful ignorance.—Alternet.
Making a Hard-Life Story Open a Door to College. Nice Read.
Antoine, who is African-American, will begin his senior year in September at his large, predominantly black and low-income high school just outside Washington. He had come to Howard for an intense four-day workshop in the complex process he will have to master if he is to fulfill his aspirations of upward mobility: applying to college.--NYTimes
Hug the Asian who's taking your job. How Asia's saving us. --Seattle Times.
Legal Hurdles Stall Rape Cases on Native Lands. Outrage.
Bonnie never reported the rape. She says she had been told many times by her mother and other relatives that nobody was going to take a case involving an Indian girl getting raped. --NPR
Navajos and Environmentalists Split on Power Plant. Though they're not mutually exclusive.
But two coal-fired power plants here, including one on the reservation, belch noxious fumes, making the air among the worst in the state. Now the tribe is moving forward with plans for a bigger plant, Desert Rock, that Navajo authorities hope will bring in $50 million a year in taxes, royalties and other income by selling power to Phoenix and Las Vegas.--NYTimes
Posted at 8:05 AM, Jul 27, 2007 in Permalink | View Comments