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Is Mayor Pat McCrory a racist?

Sometimes it’s tough gleaning whether a person’s comments are racist or not. It seems that the level of truth of the comments and the race of the person making them control that ultimate decision.

Well recently, a North Carolina mayor said some things about Black youth that’s gotten the NAACP trying to Imus him into an apology. But not everyone’s sure if what he said is racist. What do you think? Read this, the Associated Press reported:

CHARLOTTE, N.C. - The mayor said he stands by his comments that black youth are imitating gangsters, despite a call from the local NAACP to apologize.

Mayor Pat McCrory, who is white, said he was accurate when he wrote that “too many of our youth, primarily African American, are imitating and/or participating in a gangster type of dress, attitude, behavior and action.”

His remarks came in a July 5 letter to the city manager in which McCrory congratulated police for their presence the night before, when 169 people — mostly black — were arrested.

The mayor painted “African American youth with a broad swath that cuts deep in many of our communities,” said Ken White, president of the Charlotte branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

“Mr. McCrory’s comments reinforce that stereotype, especially to those inclined to hold onto racist thinking and behavior,” White said.

McCrory told The Charlotte Observer that he understands his remarks offended some people, but he cited statistics that more than 60 percent of Charlotte’s gang members are black.

“My role as mayor is to communicate what I consider to be concerns and in doing so you have to step on some toes,” he said.

First, do you agree with these comments? Second, are they racist? And if you think so, is it because whites who say things like this are reluctant to critize the “gangster behavior” of some white communities and institutions?

Posted at 7:39 AM, Jul 16, 2007 in News | Permalink | View Comments



The larger question is whether or not there is a sliver of truth in his proclamation. Consider a lot of cats out there raised by media babysitters with a compelling visual hustle (e.g. MTV's high-life hype). There is a percentage of youngbloods out there (male and female alike) that are caught up in what they believe is that next-level format.

Doesn't matter if the Mayor is callin' similar white youths/institutions into question -- this one is part of our community and we have a chance to exact some change. We can get down with a format that focuses on an increased exposure to a hustle & flow that stands for something -- perception can't be changed out in the world until it actually changes within our own sphere.

You dig? BTW -- is the Mayor racist? Likely he adheres to a mindset that highlights a negative Black perception. Does it mean the man is completely sideways? Probably not. Are there any stats out there to contradict what he's puttin' on Front St.? If not, lets rap about how we can impact his administrations spreadsheets.

Posted by: Clarence | July 16, 2007 12:41 PM

Do I agree with the statement? Yes. Am I a racist? Absolutely not. Why do I agree with it? Numbers do not lie. If you have over 50%, then it's a majority; like it or hate it. I don't live in Charlotte, but I do live fairly close to it, and in my home town, probably 75% of gang-color-wearing individuals are black.

Is the Mayor a racist? I doubt it. If he was, he would have made a much more offensive statement than that. Like I said, the numbers don't lie. 60% is greater than 50%, so therefore you have a majority of African-American youth as opposed to white, Hispanic, Indian, Asian, and all the other races you can think of. Does his statement mean that all black children are going to grow up and be a "gangsta"? Of course not. In my profession, I work with the public, and talk to probably over 100 people per day of every race you can think of. Let me be the first to tell you that there are good and bad people in all races. The thing that hurts the stereotype of young black males is what happened at my work place: In my tenure of 18 months, there have been 3 cases of theft. Each case was caught on surveillance cameras. All 3 thefts were committed by Afican-American males. Now, are there white people who steal? Absolutely. But when you look at the thefts that have occurred at my workplace, it only succeeds in backing up the Mayor's statement. Therefore, I don't think he should have to apologize either. If someone makes a statement based on chiseled-in-stone facts, to apologize for it would be foolish. The NAACP might not be able to change the gang members that are already out there, but if they want the so-called stereotype to stop, then they need to really, REALLY work on the youths of today and make sure that they aren't being lured into a life of crime. Everyone, regardless of race, has a choice of what to do with his/her life. But, the influences during childhood carry the most weight with what that decision will be. If you don't want your child(ren) to join a gang, then PARENTS, it's YOUR obligation to teach your child(ren) right from wrong, to build their self-esteem and confidence in themselves, and steer them in the right direction toward a higher education, a respectable career, and making an honest living. If you don't, the gangs will raise your child(ren) for you. You will then lose your child(ren), and you will lose the good men & women they could have been, forever...

Posted by: Jon | July 17, 2007 6:17 AM

Do I agree with the comments?

Yes, but there’s more. The mayor has a point, but it falls well short of the complete truth. He would have done a better service had he said, “too many of the multi-billion dollar entertainment and marketing efforts of large corporations force a gangster type of dress, attitude, behavior and action upon our youth.” I agree that too many of our young folks of color are caught up in these false images. I also agree that too many of our youth of any color are caught up in this.

Our art form, hip hop, has become a highly profitable product in the hands of corporations who have skillfully, slyly and selectively sold back to us the most destructive images imaginable. They accentuate the negative and eliminate the positive. They set dysfunctional expectations in the minds of the wider community and ourselves of not just what it means to be black, but what it means to be.

The answer is more complicated. Companies are responsible. Parents are responsible. A police force which assumes that a black kid is a criminal is responsible.

I've written an extended response at Jack & Jill Politics

Posted by: Baratunde Thurston | July 17, 2007 7:14 AM

I personnaly think it's not helpful to any of us when these types of statistics are quoted and promoted. I read somewhere one time "there are lies, "damn" lies and then there are statistics" and it had an impact on me. Why were 169 arrested? What has been the fallout from those arrested? How does this build self-esteem and dignity and respect for themselves or others? What about the police who arrested them? How does this type of action promote trust towards turning to police for help in times of need or to give information to them when crimes have been committed? How does this really promote healthy attitudes in communities regardless of colour?

I'm sorry but I cannot agree with the mayor on his response. I don't think it will foster warm, fuzzy, nurturing and empowering feelings that are so needed by all humanity these days. By the way I am Caucasian.
Thanks for listening.

Posted by: Carol Crocker | July 24, 2007 9:03 AM

Thought I would contribute a response, as I do live in Charlotte.

Four years ago I decided to stop going downtown for the 4th, specifically as a result of being targeted by one of these roaming gangs of youth who just happen to be dressed like "gan'stas". Even though I was carrying my two year old son, I was still challenged. I happen to be white, but these same aspiring thugs were showing aggression to all racial groups, including other blacks.

To hear an honest comment from the Mayor was refreshing. In todays political culture, it isn't fair to say it how it really is. But common sense prevails in situations like this. You can attempt to "hush" the story up, you can attempt to blame corporations for selling corrupt images of an otherwise wholesome subculture, you can even deamnd (and receive) an apology - but the facts remain.

These individuals are not all children or teens. There are plenty of adult men who are living the "hard life" and showing the younger generations how to follow suit.

Instead of focusing on a single man's comment regarding a localized event, perhaps a better solution would be found in seeking to correct a worldwide negative phenomena.

Posted by: david | July 24, 2007 5:13 PM

The facts speak for themselves, make excuses, blame everyone else. Blame it on the racist police, do whatever.Stop the excuses and accept responcibility for your actions. Stop preying on the families who went to the fire works display. Oh and by the way 60+ percent of those who went with there families and had a good time thanks to the CMPD, who took the thug equasion out of the picture, were not white. So i guess that excuse wont work either

Posted by: Jack | July 27, 2007 9:29 PM

The facts speak for themselves, make excuses, blame everyone else. Blame it on the racist police, do whatever.Stop the excuses and accept responcibility for your actions. Stop preying on the families who went to the fire works display. Oh and by the way 60+ percent of those who went with there families and had a good time thanks to the CMPD, who took the thug equasion out of the picture, were not white. So i guess that excuse wont work either

Posted by: Jack | July 27, 2007 9:29 PM

4th Of July 2007, I Saw Police Wrestling Blacks To The Ground And Arresting Them For Jaywalking. Impeding Traffic And Other MINOR Offenses. The Police Department Took alot Of Unneccesary Action And Wasted Alot Of Already Insufficient Jailspace. Last Time I Checked, Gangsters And Thugs Were Getting arrested For Selling Drugs and Toting Firearms.

Mcrorys Comments were Unacceptable. If He Really Want To Bring Up Crime Statistics Bring Up ALL The Crime Statistics...

According to the Survey of Inmates of State Correctional Facilities by the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics, the following statistics have been recorded concerning the characteristics of offenders who violate and assault children.

* Those inmates who were convicted of committing violent or sexual acts against children were more like to have been white, a percentage of nearly 70%, than any other race.

* White inmates were nearly three times more likely to have victimized a child than black inmates.

I Think Earlier Someone Said If Its Over 50% Its A Majority? Well 70% Is Well Over The Majority Lines, That Means The MAJORITY Of Child Molesters Are White. Why Isnt The Mayor So Vocal Of THIS Matter? Id Rather Be A Gangster Than a Child Molester Any Day.

And What Does He mean When He Mentions "gangster type of dress" Black Fashion Is Almost Always Considered Gangster By Outsiders. And If Someone Wears "Hip-Hop" Or "Urban" Fashion Which Is Just A Part of Black Culture, They Are Looked At As A Criminal Or social Misfit, Or a Gangster. This Is Really a Problem When the Mayor Makes Statments Like this Because Even Tho He didnt Say All Blacks Were Gangters He Pushes The Stereotype And Makes It Stronger. And Blacks May Be more likely To be In a gang. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg P-D Describes A Gang As Three Or More People Who share Similar Dress, Practices And Ideals. Most Of the Time Its a Non-Violent Nieghborhood Gang, Or A Mere Clique Of Black Friends Labeled As A Gang By The Police Department.

Posted by: byron | August 7, 2007 1:17 AM

Black or White or ? IT doesn't matter. WE all should step up to the plate and help. It was once said that it takes community to raise a child. With so many broken homes and single parents having to work two jobs to provide for their kids. Lets stop worrying about who said what about a person because of the color of their skin and identify if the problem exist. Take the time given to the media to repeat and determine what Pat McCrory said in the news and spend it on advertising options for the youth. Like Revolution 161, YMCA activities so that parents and guardians know options that exist for their youth so they stay away from Gang like activity.

All races have a problem. Its known that its higher with the blacks. We all have to work on the issue. Own the problem and do something about it. Stop ranting in the media and for every second on the news, in an email, protesting - take a youth to dinner, lunch, spend time with them. I've worked as a volunteer for over 15 years with youth and young adults. They so want adults in their life that they can respect and come to for the truth about direction in their life. Who cares about the color of the skin.

Posted by: Ang | August 11, 2007 6:00 AM

Black or White or ? IT doesn't matter. WE all should step up to the plate and help. It was once said that it takes community to raise a child. With so many broken homes and single parents having to work two jobs to provide for their kids. Lets stop worrying about who said what about a person because of the color of their skin and identify if the problem exist. Take the time given to the media to repeat and determine what Pat McCrory said in the news and spend it on advertising options for the youth. Like Revolution 161, YMCA activities so that parents and guardians know options that exist for their youth so they stay away from Gang like activity.

All races have a problem. Its known that its higher with the blacks. We all have to work on the issue. Own the problem and do something about it. Stop ranting in the media and for every second on the news, in an email, protesting - take a youth to dinner, lunch, spend time with them. I've worked as a volunteer for over 15 years with youth and young adults. They so want adults in their life that they can respect and come to for the truth about direction in their life. Who cares about the color of the skin.

Posted by: Ang | August 11, 2007 6:00 AM