The News
Blackface Video Reenacts Jena Six; Supreme Court Cracks on Sentencing
Drug Sentencing Argued in Supreme Court
Recently, the US Supreme Court heard arguments for Kimbrough v. US on sentencing guidelines that addresses the racial disparities between powder and crack cocaine. Washington Post.
Chertoff: Immigrants, Not Fence, Bad for Environment
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff defended the construction of a fence along the border, despite evidence from environmentalists that the fence could damage the region’s resources, arguing that it’s immigrant’s that are, “the worst thing you can do to the environment.” Contra Costa Times.
U. Chicago Dean Challenges Obama’s Affirmative Action
While Barack Obama has said that his daughters should be treated as advantaged candidates when applying for school, the University of Chicago dean of admissions argues that the experiences Obama’s daughters would bring is what has led to the dramatic increase in diversity at the school.
Blackface on Facebook, Again
A University of Lousiana Monroe student posted a video reenacting the stomping incident in Jena, La. The video was eventually pulled from the social networking site, but not before many saw the students covered in mud yelling racial epithets.
Posted at 7:28 AM, Oct 03, 2007 in News | Permalink | View Comments