The News
Muslim Minister Detained; Indigenous Farm Workers Forgotten in Fire Relief Efforts
Nooses Hung in NYC Parks Employees’ Lockers
In what is becoming a weekly trend, nooses were found hanging in the lockers of two black NYC Parks Department supervisors. The NYPD is treating the case as a hate crime, and the supervisors’ employees are being questioned as the only people who have access to the locker area.
School Cop Makes ‘Ghetto Handbook’
In Houston, the city’s school system has fired a police officer for creating and distributing an 8-page booklet which was made to allow readers to speak as if they “just came out of the hood.” School district officials are taking the case seriously, considering it a violation of codes of conduct and decency. MSNBC
Muslim Minister Detained At U.S Airport
Britain’s first Muslim Minister was held at Dulles Airport near Washington on Sunday as they traced his luggage for explosive materials. Shahid Malik, the international development minister, was returning to the UK after meetings on tackling issues of terrorism. The Minister expressed disappointment at the U.S Homeland Security system. The Scotsman
Indigenous Mexican Farm Workers Left Out of Wildfire Relief Efforts
Indigenous Mexican farm workers living in the remote canyons of Southern California continue to be at high risk in wildfire areas due mainly to language barriers. Farm workers of Mixtec or Zapotec communities do not speak English or Spanish, not understand warnings to leave the canyon areas. The undocumented status of these immigrants adds to their additional fear of deportation. CBS News
Keep Harlem Local!
The ‘Save Harlem’ Rally on Monday was sponsored by the Harlem Tenants Council, to protest Kimco Realty’s purchase of business’ and properties on Frederick Douglass Boulevard. Residents complain of the rising cost of living in the area, calling it a “cultural genocide” of the African American epicenter of the world. Columbia Spectator
Posted at 7:38 AM, Oct 30, 2007 in News | Permalink | View Comments