The News
Demolition of New Orleans Housing Continues; U.S Not Doing Enough About Racism says ACLU
ACLU Reports the U.S Sweeping Racism Under the Rug
The ACLU issued a report stating that local and state governments are not doing enough to eradicate racism. They say that when the US updated the international community on its progress in April, it “swept under the rug” problems such as racial profiling, the disproportionate incarceration of minorities, and civil rights violations against immigrants. Daily News Tribune
Demolition of New Orleans Housing Starts December 15th
The Housing Authority of New Orleans has rescheduled the demolition of five public housing projects to December 15th. The projects will be replaced with public housing units with “mixed income” neighborhoods. Activists are outraged, calling the move “nothing more than racist gentrification.” Workers World
Romney Attacks Huckabee on Immigration Stance
On Monday, Republican Presidential candidate, Mitt Romney was the first to launch a TV attack ad on Mike Huckabee’s immigration stance. Romney who vetoed in-state tuition for the undocumented, and opposed driver’s licenses for illegals, attacked Huckabee’s support for these issues. LA Times
Posted at 8:12 AM, Dec 11, 2007 in News | Permalink | View Comments