Racewire Blog

Andre Banks

Race and Gender Rebuttal

For anyone outraged by Clinton supporter Gloria Steinem’s opinion piece in the NYTimes last week arguing that Hilary, as a woman, had a harder road to the White House than Barack, simply a Black man, really must check out the video clip.

Princeton U. professor Melissa Harris Lacewell takes Ms. Steinem to task on Democracy Now; rarely have I seen someone’s so thoroughly and expertly taken apart. Ms. Lacewell succeeded in making the opinion piece seem ludicrous, Ms. Steinem’s second wave feminism offensive and along the way made a pretty good case for Barack Obama. At any rate, get into it - not to be missed.

Posted at 2:51 PM, Jan 18, 2008 in Elections | Obama | Politics | Permalink | View Comments



To me, this piece highlights another fissure made evident within this presidential primary race. I think both Ms. Steinem and Ms. Lacewell make excellent points. The arguments that each gave primacy to (in the race/gender discussion) reflect their particular insights and both are valid. Do we need to have a concensus of opinion at all, among Americans, women, or feminists to be "right"? I think not. We needn't dis one thinker to elevate the other, especially since neither Steinem nor Lacewell's arguments are mutually exclusive.
I think there is intellectual overlap between these women, and wonder why their differences are seen as a weakness rather than a strength. They are both absolutely correct in recognizing not only how contentious the race/gender issue is, but also how multifaceted and huge it is.
In conclusion, what is dangerous is not a conflicting view, but an inbred one. We are in a time when we need as many thoughtful, smart people working for positive change as possible.

Posted by: Maria | January 19, 2008 3:18 PM