The News
Clinton, Obama Address Welfare Reform; US Farmers Move to Mexico
Welfare Reform Debate Returns
As a recession inevitably looms over the country, Hillary Clinton is being forced to reexamine her support for welfare reform during her husband’s run for the presidency in 1996. Clinton, however, along with Barack Obama, is advocating for changes to the policy that overwhelmingly affects poor people of color. New York Times.
Different Views on China Lead to Protests
“The Tibet protests have become a rallying cry for Chinese around the world awaking both a sense of victimization as well as calls for boycotts of some Western products, reports Jun Wang, Chinese media editor for New America Media.” New America Media.
US Plans to Recruit Ugandans for the Army
Gen. Petraeus needs to keep up his numbers in Iraq, and now the United States Army is turning to Uganda for fresh troops. AllAfrica.
US Farmers Move to Mexico to Find Labor
With increasing immigration raids, many farmers do not have enough workers to harvest their crops, and they are leaving the country. More than 46,000 acres of production have moved to Mexico. CBS News.
Obama Preaches Personal Responsibility
Sounding a lot like Bill Cosby, Barack Obama has been on a tour of high schools across the country usiing the conservative approach of parental responsibility to answer questions about failing education. In addressing the value of dollar, Obama compares the US to a, “cousin who always comes and never seems to have a job. He’s out there buying new rims on his car, but can’t pay the rent.” NBC 11 Alive.
Posted at 7:36 AM, Apr 11, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments