The News
Debbie Almontaser Covers NYT; Amadou Diallo Case Rings a Bell for New Yorkers
New AZ Proposal Seeks to Silence Race and “Anti-American” Teachings
In response to a controversy surrounding an ethnic-studies program in the Tucson Unified School District, Rep. Russell Pearce introduced a measure endorsed by a legislative panel Wednesday that would withhold funding from colleges and universities who allow student groups based on race. The plan would also prohibit schools from teaching courses vaguely described as “anti-American.” Arizona Republic.
New Yorkers Respond After the Verdict
Rallies and demonstrations were filled with angry people after the verdict in the Sean Bell case almost a decade after police officers were acquitted in the Amadou Diallo case, but Black New Yorkers responses ran the gamut. New York Times.
Mississippi Makes Immigrants’ Work Illegal
In the farthest-reaching piece of legislation in the country, Mississippi’s law makes it a felony to work as an undocumented immigrant in the state. New America Meda.
Debbie Almontaser on her Arabic Academy
The Khalil Gibran International Academy is still teaching students Arabic without Debbie Almontaser. Forced to resign from her post as principal amid political pressure, Almontaser is speaking out about her dream school and its costs. New York Times.
Obama: Race Factors in Society, Not Election
On Fox News Sunday, Barack Obama rebuffed questions about the significance of race saying that people were, “looking for is somebody who can solve their problems.” Associated Press.
Posted at 7:30 AM, Apr 28, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments