Jonathan Adams
How to Not Get Shot by Police
While the media reports that there has been less outrage around the Sean Bell verdict, others are working to make sure that they arm other Black young people with tools to protect themselves.
100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, that has often been critical of the NYPD, is working with a Brooklyn youth group called Project Re-Generation to get out prevention messages to young people. The off-duty police officers provide a workshop, “What to Do When Stopped By the Police,” that teaches you the dos and donts of a traffic stop.
Watch the video to learn what to do. I learned something: Calling your mama can get you shot!
Posted at 8:09 AM, Apr 29, 2008 in Police Brutality | Permalink | View Comments

In high school I took a class called Practical Law. It was one of the most informative and useful classes I have ever taken. I still use what I learned today. Despite so many young black youth being 'familiar' with the legal system, they are so ignorant. They do and say SO many inappropriate (and sometimes antagonizing) things when confronted by law officers. So, they often dig a deeper hole for themselves. But on the flip side, they have no idea how to properly handle a situation or who to go to when they have been treated unfairly by law officers.
Ignorance will perish you.
Posted by: The Urban Scientist | April 29, 2008 9:29 AM