The News
NYPD Punishes Seven Officers Involved With Sean Bell Shooting; FBI Filed Complaints About Harsh Interrogation Tactics
Community Protests Lower East Side Rezoning
Wing Lam, director of the Chinese Staff and Workers’ Association, along with the newly formed Coalition to Protect Chinatown and the LES, contended during the raucous meeting that the rezoning is part of Bloomberg’s city-wide plot to price out all people of color. Village Voice.
FBI Complained about Interrogation Tactics
“F.B.I. agents complained repeatedly, beginning in 2002, about the harsh interrogation tactics that military and C.I.A. interrogators were using in questioning terrorism suspects, like making them do dog tricks and parade in the nude in front of female soldiers, but their complaints appear to have had little effect, according to an exhaustive report released Tuesday by the Justice Department’s inspector general.” New York Times.
Caribbean Nationals Want Own Census Category
“Caribbean nationals in the United States who are pushing to be included as a separate category in that country’s census count are about to launch ‘CaribID 2010’, a campaign to urge the government to allow them to be counted as the 17th group on the census form in 2010.” Jamaica Observer.
Second Chance Act Saves Money, Lives
“With prison costs soaring, many states are understandably desperate for ways to cut recidivism and increase the chances that newly released prisoners build viable lives. The Second Chance Act, signed into law by President Bush last month, would galvanize the re-entry effort, providing the states with money and guidance. Now Congress must appropriate the promised dollars.” New York Times.
NYPD Disciplines Seven Officers in Sean Bell Shooting
Seven New York police officers involved in the fatal shooting of an unarmed black man on his wedding night are facing internal disciplinary action, a police spokesman said on Tuesday. Reuters.
Posted at 10:32 AM, May 21, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments