The News
Better US AIDS plan for black Americans; more Asians to the ballot box in ‘08
Catholic coalition angry over ICE raids
The Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops and the Catholic Legal Immigration Network harshly criticized ICE’s current election-year efforts, which have repeatedly separated nursing mothers from their babies. Assistance Secrety of Homeland Security, Julie L. Myers, responded that Congress didn’t account for undocumented folks who became parents while here illegally - “Congress could do that, but they have not.” Houston Chronicle
Wrongly convicted veteran passes
Samuel Snow was the last surviving ex-soldier convicted in the infamously racist army court-marshal in 1944, the largest in military history. Last year, those twenty-seven convictions were overturned. He passed away last Sunday, with an uncashed apology check from the military totaling $725 in back pay. The payment, if adjusted with interest and inflation, could total $80,000 for Snow’s family. New York Times
Group projects more Asian American participation in ‘08 election
Medill Reports at Northwestern University have gathered projections that the Asian American vote in this year’s election, could prove to be crucial. “Asian-Americans are essentially about a decade behind where Latinos are now. Hopefully both parties and others will pay attention to that development,” said Paul Ong, a UCLA professor. Medill Reports Washington
U.S needs strategic domestic AIDS plan, says group
Following a United Nations report that noted international progress in fighting the AIDS epidemic, the Black AIDS Institute is criticizing the federal government for not including their own statistics. BAI reports that nearly six hundred-thousand black Americans live with the virus, and that ““American policy makers behave as if AIDS exists ‘elsewhere.’” New York Times
Posted at 7:43 AM, Jul 30, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments