The News
Australians liked old immigration rules; UN pushes for more Iran sanctions
California slashes student transportation
Many California school districts are cutting or reducing bus service for pupils, citing financial hardship. A state auditor claims that a single urban pupil costs a district $1400/year to bus. Parents and other officials are concerned of the costs shift, as well as of more students being forced to walk or drive to school. LA Times
Little public support for Australia’s new immigration policies
A poll by Essential Media found the public is ambivalent on the nation’s new asylum laws. The firm’s research shows that only 24% of those surveyed thought policies had been too tough before. Australia’s new policy will only detain asylum seekers and visa overstayers if they are deemed a threat to the community. The Australian
Katrina survivors struggle after leaving trailers
Folks in New Orleans continue to feel Katrina’s aftereffects, especially through the lack of housing and federal subsidies. Those ineligible for FEMA assistance have also been left with few options. New York Times
UN: More Iran sanctions
The Security Council is pushing for further sanctions on Iran, ever since they claim the state missed its incentives deadline last week. Germany had also joined in on the offer with the five member nations. CNN
Posted at 9:47 AM, Aug 04, 2008 in Permalink | View Comments