Racewire Blog

Jonathan Adams

Not You, But What You Did, Is Racist?

Jay Smooth does it again. Here’s his video “How to Tell People They Sound Racist.”

We all have a friend that doesn’t mean to be racist. Though we did away with a definition of racism that is based on intention, I’m willing to work with someone who says the wrong thing and just needs a little enlightening. If we can talk about racism as an act separate from you as a person, I agree with the Illdoctrinator, I think that the debate can be more civil and it becomes a teaching moment.

But I think there are moments when you just have to call a racist a racist.

Case in point: Toby Keith (h/t Stereohyped)

During a July 30 interview on talking face Glenn Beck’s radio broadcast, Toby Keith, Oklahoman and the musical genius behind the hit pro-lynching anthem “Beer for My Horses,” told Beck that he thinks Barack Obama is highly successful with black Americans because “he don’t talk, act or carry himself like a black person.”

Click here for audio.

Tell me if I’m wrong.

Posted at 11:38 AM, Aug 05, 2008 in Identity | Permalink | View Comments



At a time when some are heralding a "post-racial" America, our
summer issue considers a vexing question: Are we born racist?

Studies show that our prejudices have deep psychological roots; they may
be wired into our brains. But research has also identified strategies for
reducing and even overcoming prejudice. This issue of Greater Good
explores how we can put this research into practice.

Articles from the latest issue of Greater Good magazine are now online at

Posted by: Ani Mazmanyan | August 5, 2008 5:20 PM

I agree that this is OK with friends. I think that public figures need to be held accountable in a different way and to a different degree. Oh yes.

Posted by: D Wu | August 6, 2008 4:51 PM