The News
Progress in Jena 6 Case; Muslim Girl Denied Job At Abercrombie & Fitch
Judge Dismissal Shows Progress in the Jena 6 Case
District Judge Thomas Yeager has taken over the Jena 6 case after original District Judge J.P. Mauffray Jr. made some bias calls regarding the case. He had made “appearance of impropriety” statements referring the Jena 6 as criminals and troublemakers. A motion to recuse District Atty. Reed Walters has also been called after refusing to prosecute the three white students who hung nooses from a tree because of his ties with the local school board. Chicago Tribune.
Governor Schwarzenegger’s Refusal to Sign Bill Costs Workers
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said yesterday that he would not sign a new bill until a new budget has been passed. This comes after he ordered to drop the salaries of most of the state’s 235,000 workers and laid off more than 10,000 part-time and seasonal workers. Los Angeles Times.
Mexican City AIDS Conference Discusses the Epidemic in the Gay Community
At the Mexico City AIDS conference, many spotlight the issue of HIV in gay men. Stigma and discrimination and homophobia has prevented many from getting treatment against AIDS or just getting informed about it. Service to the gay community has become a crucial thing in combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Washington Post.
Abercrombie & Fitch Denies Muslim Girl
A Muslim teenager was denied a job at a Abercrombie & Fitch store because she wears a hijab (head scarf). A Muslim civil rights group has filed a federal complain against Abercrombie. By law employers have a clear legal duty to accommodate the religious practices of their workers. MSNBC News.
Posted at 7:25 AM, Aug 07, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments