The News
Bush Pushes Plan on the American Public; Remember the Nine
Bush Addresses Nation, Reiterates Urgency
“President Bush appealed to the nation Wednesday night to support a $700 billion plan to avert a widespread financial meltdown, and signaled that he is willing to accept tougher controls over how the money is spent.” New York Times.
Remembering the Little Rock Nine
On Sept. 25, 1957, with 300 United States Army troops standing guard, nine black children were escorted to Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, days after unruly white crowds had forced them to withdraw. New Statesman.
Ellis Island to Expand Immigration Story
“For the first time, the stories of the arrival of Native Americans and African slaves to U.S. shores will be included in the Ellis Island Immigration Museum.” San Jose Mercury News.
US court: Monitoring Muslims was constitutional
“A federal appeals court says it was constitutional for the United States to require visitors from two dozen Arab and Muslim countries and North Korea to register with immigration authorities.” Associated Press.
Undocumented Immigrants Needed in Hurricane Cleanup
The region devastated by Hurricane Ike will require the largest rebuilding effort in decades and many say the looming demand for immigrant labor illustrates how dependent Texas industry and commerce are on undocumented immigrants. Houston Chronicle.
Posted at 6:11 AM, Sep 25, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments

What's up with shilling for the Times, folks? I depend on ColorLines and RaceWire to give me an analysis of the race, racism, and racial justice aspects of the news, so I am confused about why you would post an article about the latest Bush idiocy as published in the Times with no analysis of what it means for communities of color. A news digest you ain't, nor should you be. Please save precious RaceWire space for stuff I can't find elsewhere.
Love you still,
Posted by: Susan Starr | September 25, 2008 7:53 AM