Guest Columnist
Green Jobs Now! 09.27.08
Originally published on Huffington Post.
Jumpstart The Economy: We Need Green Jobs Now
By Van Jones
George W. Bush’s house of credit cards is falling down - on the heads of the American people. We need dramatic action - but not just to bail out financial titans who destroyed the economy.We need to throw a green life-line to the people who want to rebuild it.
There is only one comprehensive solution to the present mess: put America back to work retrofitting and repowering America with millions of green-collar jobs.
Saturday, tens of thousands of people in all 50 states will be rallying, demanding real solutions for our communities. We are calling the events: “Green Jobs Now! A day to the build the new economy.”
Posted at 8:18 AM, Sep 26, 2008 in Green Economy | Permalink | View Comments