The News
San Francisco Still a “Sanctuary City”?; Baggy Pants Ban Ruled Unconsitutional in Florida
Immigrant Raid Undermines San Francisco’s Sanctuary Status
“Immigration agents entered a private home in San Francisco on Sept. 11, 2008, arresting six undocumented immigrants in what residents see as the most recent evidence that this is no longer a “sanctuary city.” Alternet.
Florida Judge: Bagging Pants Ban Unconstitutional
Though Dallas, Atlanta, and other US cities have made it against the law for a person to be seen in baggy pants that show off the wearer’s underwear, a Florida judge says it is unconstitutional to police fashion. AFP.
Biden’s Record on Race
“Three episodes from his Senate career show how treacherous issues of race remain and have left scuff marks on what most agree is an otherwise admirable record. They concerned busing, criminal sentencing and the confirmation of Justice Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court.” New York Times.
Posted at 8:45 AM, Sep 18, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments