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Jonathan Adams

Whoopi Goldberg asks McCain if she should be worried about slavery?

John McCain was dodging answering a question about abortion directly when Whoopi Goldberg, The View’s voice of reason these days, asked him if she had to worry that his Supreme Court nominee’s strict reading of the constitution would also support slavery.

Posted at 9:00 AM, Sep 15, 2008 in Elections | Video & Multimedia | Permalink | View Comments



Whoopi's argument is a ridiculous overexaggeration of his point of view but the ending comment by Barbara Walters was absurd. "Us Whitefolk, we'll look out for you." Oh thanks, savior white folk. :;rolls eyes::

Posted by: nomuskles | September 15, 2008 10:09 AM

I actually thought that Whoopie was kind of slick in how she brought up a good and valid point, and lighten it in a joking manner. I know that we all want people to be hard core about racism. And I agree that we shouldn't let anyone get away with it. But I think that the way Whoopie did it gave people (mostly white) space to really think about what she was saying before they took offense. Humor isn't always the answer, but it worked well here. As for Barbara's comment, it looked like typical white guilt at work there and she didn't wear it well.

Posted by: D | September 15, 2008 6:07 PM

Let's get one thing straight - Whoopi has never been a slave. John McCain has been a prisoner of war and spent several years spending each day either being tortured or wondering when was was next going to be tortured. John McCain has been under the control of people who didn't care a whit about his value as a human being as they abused him and that's robably what most slave owners felt towards their slaves. But, again, Whoopi has never actually been made to feel the helpless feelings that her ancestors have felt. John McCain, being a prisoner of war , being tortured and at the mercy of people who despised him, he has actually been made to FEEL such helpless feelings. Sure, you can argue the feelings aren't the same, but he surely felt "owned" and "helpless" and "at the mercy of his enemy" while imprisoned, much as slaves were "owned" and "helpless" and "at the mercy of their owners". Be it enemy combatant or a slave owner 200 years ago - John McCain was under the power of one and Whoopi has never been under the power of either. For Whoopi to throw out such a stupid question shows just how closed her mind is. The Constitution was written "in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity." How in the heck does Whoopi come to the ridiculous question she did when a strict interpretation of the constitution IS WHAT SHE SHOULD WANT. What McCain doesn't want it legislation from the bench. Justices are put in place to strictly interpret the Constitution, not re-write it. That is what WHOOPI SHOULD WANT FROM JUSTICES WHO REPRESENT HER COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Posted by: Laura | September 16, 2008 5:49 PM

"Do I have to be worried about becoming a slave again?" - Whoopie Goldberg

Whoopie, you admitted during that program that you didn't know if it was the 21st or 22nd century right now. Correct me if I am wrong, but if you are worried about being a slave again, wouldn't that mean that you once were a slave, in the past? What century would that have been in? And you must know that slaves were sold to slave traders by tribal chiefs from their native homeland in Africa - that's right, blacks sold blacks into slavery. So stop whining ! You have no idea what slavery would have been like. Just don't forget more whites died for your freedom than blacks did. You need to go back to stand up comedy because that's what you do best, even in the View as an interviewer!!

Posted by: kenny | September 16, 2008 7:45 PM

This crosses the line. It's bad enough Whoopi would go there knowing this is baseless and senseless, but that Joy and Barbara would joke about the plantation and us white folks will save her and Sherri. AS far as a women's right to choose, I'm for it. I'm also a democrat. I will choose not to watch the view any longer!!!!

Posted by: darla J | September 17, 2008 8:06 PM

Dear ms.goldberg: a a jew i fear the if barack obama is elected i may be subjected to another holacoust. His twety year relationship with reverand wright a racist and an anti-semite; and louis farrackan ditto makes me terribly afraid.

Posted by: geri krawitz | September 25, 2008 8:23 AM

John McCain lied about his family owning slaves. John McCain signed up for military service and understood the risk of being a in the armed forces during war. African slaves "never" had a choice of slavery or freedom. There freedom was raped and taken so dont compare slavery with military service. African Americans have "never" been paid for there lost. If your living in American as a Jew you are walking on the bones of the slaves and Native Americans. Africans had absolutely nothing to do with the holocaust which. P.S. Geri Krawitz spelled "holocaust" wrong, how concerned can you be if you can't even spell the word correctly?

Posted by: somebody with brains | October 23, 2008 6:29 AM

I believe Ms. Krawitz is speaking here in Whoopi-eze, hence the stereotypical misspellings.

Posted by: Berl Goetz | October 24, 2008 7:55 AM

Whoopie was wrong when she asked John McCain if she would have to worry about the reinstatement of slavery. She doesn't know the Constitution or she would realize that the thirteenth amendment abolished slavery for all time in the 1860's. Strict constructionist judges are ones who interpret the "spirit and letter of the law". The recent tendencies of liberal interpretation of the Constitution are to "legislate" as in Roe v Wade. It is not the duty of the Supreme Court to make law but to interpret and enforce the existing laws. The question of abortion is the duty of the Congress. Since neither the founding fathers nor any subsequent Constitutional amendments addressed the issue of abortion, the Supreme
Court had no written law or precedent to rely on when making thier decision.

Posted by: Joseph Jennings | November 4, 2008 10:30 AM