The News
Obama Finds Support in Unlikely W. Va; Comic Book Helps Voters “Steal Back Your Vote”
Does Powells’ Endorsement Help Obama?
The endorsement by former Secretary of State Colin Powell made major news headlines over the weekend, but what, if any, are the potential impacts to the election of his endorsement. Dante Chinni explores that question and more for swing voters and the Patchwork Nation. Christian Science Monitor.
Amidst West Virginia Whites, Support for Obama Growing
As Obama tours through southern West Virginia, a growing base of support is becoming visible in many unlikely areas. “Twenty, 30 years ago, if you had a black man stopping cars, handing out signs right here, he would have been shot,” said state Auditor Glen Gainer. “Now they’re stopping, asking him to put on stickers.” Politico.
California Youth Poets Become a Work of Art
Bay Area artist Evan Bissell worked with eighteen poets from Youth Speaks to turn their work into more than just words. With the help of Intersection for the Arts that dream is now a reality. Check out this video from their project and see what all the hype is about. New American Media.
Dead Bear Shot in Head, Wrapped in Obama Campaign Signs on North Carolina Campus
While authorities still have no leads as to the perpetrators, a dead black bear cub was found Sunday morning at the entrance to the Western Carolina University campus. The bear had apparently been shot in the head and was wearing a hat made of stapled together Obama campaign signs. Asheville Citizen-Times.
Is the 2008 Election Already Stolen?
A scathing new story in Rolling Stone reports that the voter fraud crisis may be way bigger than most people think, with potentially millions of voters—mostly Dems—already disqualified since the 2004 election. As part of their education campaign, reporter Greg Palast and Robert Kennedy Jr. have released an election-guide comic book called Steal Back Your Vote to help fight for voter rights. Rolling Stone.
Posted at 7:11 AM, Oct 21, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments