The News
Senators’ Bill Requires Raid Guidelines; Thousands Illegally Removed from Election Rolls
Senators Push for ICE Raid Guidelines
“The legislation would require immigration agents to advise people being detained of their rights, including the option of remaining silent or seeking legal counsel, similar to what police officers must do in arresting criminal suspects.” Newsday.
Texas HS Football Team Has Tongan Influence
Trinity High, a prep high school in Texas, has students that speak 53 different languages
Ethnic diversity as American as football, and Tongan immigrants have delivered a Polynesian influence to this town’s churches, markets and championship football team, which won state titles in 2005 and 2007 among Texas’ largest schools. New York Times.
NC Country Officials Refuse Latino Community Clinic, Face Lawsuit
“Johnston County commissioners are facing a lawsuit and charges of bias against Hispanics after refusing to allow a nonprofit group to build a low-cost health clinic in a rural area outside this town.” Raleigh News&Observer.
States’ Actions to Block Voters Appear Illegal
“Tens of thousands of eligible voters in at least six swing states have been removed from the rolls or have been blocked from registering in ways that appear to violate federal law, according to a review of state records and Social Security data by The New York Times.” New York Times.
Posted at 7:25 AM, Oct 10, 2008 in News | Permalink | View Comments