Jonathan Adams
Election Day Roundup
Race & Election Roundup
Interviews with voters and Obama phonebank workers in Oakland, CA, on the morning of November 4, 2008, on the subject of race and the election.
Notes on an Election
Part 1 and Part 2
Tammy Johnson checks the pulse of the streets in Oakland, and she talks to people who are not only excited about election day but hopeful about what comes after their vote.
Fight Like Hell Until We Can’t Fight Anymore
Tracy Kronzak preps us for the election results-either way it goes.
Call to Action: Stay The Line!!
Adrienne Maree Brown makes sure that voters aren’t deterred by reports of long lines and broken machines. Brown provides great resources for people who want to keep busy while they wait.
Voting in Brooklyn, NY
Megan Izen brings back photos from a Park Slope polling station in Brooklyn, NY.
The Party Not Everyone Is Invited To
Tracy Kronzak reminds us about the importance of voting reform and re-enfranchisement.
Check back here for more stories tomorrow.
Posted at 5:10 PM, Nov 04, 2008 in Permalink | View Comments

I must say I'm proud of Barack Obama. It has been a long road and believe me it is still going to be tough for him. November 4, 2008 and today I cried tears of joy for history has been made in my lifetime. Although Obama represents us as African Americans, he will also represent whites, Asians, Latinos, Native Americans, etc. We, as blacks, must come together and show the world that we are dignified people. We have always had to work harder to achieve our goals, please don't stop. One of my pet peeves is using the word "nigger". It is time for it to disappear from our thoughts and lips. It is a joyous time for new beginnings.
A man was riding on the transit system and he made the following declaration to the passengers:
Rosa Parks sat down.
Martin Luther King marched.
Barack Obama ran.
And my grandchildren will fly.
What a wonderful statement! I'm a proud black, brown, African American, colored woman. Call me what you want. On Novmber 4,2008, history was made.
Happiness to all!
Posted by: Carole Piller | November 5, 2008 9:59 AM