Tammy Johnson
Got Justice?
There is a mandate for justice moving through the nation. Last week, over 900 people came together at the Facing Race Conference to bear witness to it. And today it sped through over 80 media outlets. From Forbes, the Houston Chronicle, to Yahoo News, ARC’s Executive Director, Rinku Sen, made it plain.
“People are questioning the wisdom of the free market. Americans are demanding a government that is transparent and accountable. They’re responding to the message that real change starts and ends with all of us. We have the opportunity now to put forward our biggest ideas and move all of our institutions.”
ARC is moving these big ideas through the Compact for Racial Justice. The Compact is a proactive plan for fairness and unity in our communities, politics, the economy and the law. You can join us ensuring that our leaders get the message loud and clear by signing the pledge here. You can also check out Sen’s commentary here.
Posted at 9:54 AM, Nov 21, 2008 in Permalink | View Comments