The News
A Day of Sobering Numbers
100,000 Immigrant Parents Deported Over 10 Years
Last Friday, the Department of Homeland Security announced they had deported 108, 434 parents with children who are U.S. citizens. Associated Press.
HIV Disproportionately Affects Black Communities…Still
Feb. 7 was National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day and the statistics aren’t getting any better. Black people make up 12 percent of the U.S. population but account for nearly half of all new HIV infections. Reuters.
California to Decrease Number of Prisons
In a tentative ruling, the California Supreme Court ordered that the number of prisons be reduced to meet state medical and mental health care requirements. San Francisco Chronicle.
Twin Cities’ Mortgage Crisis Hurts People of Color the Most
It doesn’t necessarily pay to be Black and rich. A recent study shows that well-off Blacks are still more likely to be turned down for home loans than whites who have lower incomes. Minnesota Public Radio.
U.S. Helps to Plan World Conference on Racism
Representatives from the Obama Administration will help negotiate plans for the World Conference Against Racism set to be held in Geneva, Switzerland in April. Associated Press.
Posted at 4:53 AM, Feb 18, 2009 in News | Permalink | View Comments