Cindy Von Quednow
Minutemen Do More Than “Secure” Borders, Also Kill Arizona Dad and Daughter
Earlier this month, nine-year-old Brisenia Flores and her young father Raul were shot and killed during the night in their home in the border town of Arivaca, Arizona. Three suspects allegedly forced themselves into the family’s home dressed as law enforcement officials, shot the two victims and wounded a third.
Shawna Forde, the leading suspect of the murder of Flores and her father, is the leader of Minutemen American Defense and has had ties to Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), both of which have been labeled as hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
This is another example of continuing violence against immigrants and people of color. The Minutemen and FAIR continually demonize and attack Latinos and immigrants. SPLC reports that FAIR is often quoted in the mainstream media and is taken as a serious entity, when they constantly spew racists rhetoric against immigrants., has started a campaign to demand that members of Congress stop legitimizing and renounce anti-immigrant hate groups. Join their efforts here and help keep racists organizations out of the political realm.
Posted at 12:18 PM, Jun 25, 2009 in Immigration | Permalink | View Comments