Racewire Blog

Michelle Chen

Testing racial justice


The Supreme Court’s decision in Ricci v. DeStefano has unsettled both sides of the affirmative action debate. The disgruntlement of a group of firefighters in New Haven, CT set off a national debate on how far governments can go to ensure racial diversity in the public sector. The court sided with the firefighters’ claims of discrimination, concluding that the city had erred by throwing out the results of a civil service exam after realizing that no Black applicants had qualified for a promotion.

The trajectory of the case—including the civil rights questions driving the litigation as well as the reaction of the media and the right—is a case study in how concepts of meritocracy and equality continue to be shaped and distorted by politics.

Sherrilyn Ifill at the Root says the majority opinion establishes a new, more stringent standard for evaluating the need for race-conscious policies in public sector employment decisions, and s to remedy discrimination in public sector employment, and in addition, the court “takes the extraordinary step of making the factual determination that there was not ‘a strong basis in evidence’ to justify the city of New Haven’s actions.” In other words, the majority is imposing its own definition of fairness over a local legal dispute:

What Justice Alito sees in New Haven’s actions is not the good faith effort of a city with a history of discrimination in firefighter hiring to address a stark and alarming racial disparity in exam results. Instead, Alito is certain that there’s something of a racial conspiracy afoot—a conspiracy by black community leaders to discriminate against whites.

On the connection between Ricci and Judge Sonia Sotomayor (who endorsed the appeals court ruling that the Supreme Court reversed) Glenn Greenwald sees "irony" in the rush to defend the whites from the supposed oppression of affirmative action policies, in contrast to the repudiation of Sonia Sotomayor's “empathy” toward far less privileged groups:

From the start, those protesting Sotomayor's decision in Ricci did so by appealing not to law, but to emotion, non-legal precepts of "fairness" and empathy -- at the very same time that those very same people mocked the notion that those considerations should play any role in judicial decision-making.

But, amid the heavy spin of conservative pundits, the case basically boils down to the value of a single test. So were the racially disparate results a product of a fundamentally flawed exam?

TAP's Adam Serwer challenges critics' accusations that the city fell prey to political correctness when it dismissed the test in light of its civil-rights law implications.

The city had reason to believe the test was flawed, not only because how it was constructed favored things less applicable to actual firefighting, it advantaged people with more resources and personal connection to the department, and there are other ways to construct the test in which not only have more relevance to the job, they actually have less of a disparate impact. If the city had arbitrarily tossed out the white firefighters' scores and promoted less qualified minority candidates, that would have been one thing. But they didn't do that, the threw out all of the results--blame should be put on the city for having created a flawed test in the first place, but it's not fair to say that the white firefighters were denied their jobs based on the kind of longstanding racial assumptions about black intelligence and diligence that still often govern hiring decisions. No one in the city believed that the white firefighters were incapable of doing their jobs correctly because they were white. …

Throwing out the tests was... the result of the city being careless in how it composed the test--unfair to those who studied for it, not just because promotions were denied, but because the test was flawed to begin with. There's no getting around the fact that Frank Ricci was wronged--but in my view, the city wronged everyone who took the test, period.

In the view of the court's narrow majority, the exam proved the white firefighters' merit, and the city unjustly denied them opportunity. But if the quality of the test, as the city contended, was too weak to withstand a legal challenge on civil rights grounds, then what kind of merit did the court reward? How does society weigh those scores against the burden of historical injustice?

Image: Erika Bogan, New Haven firefighter (Slate)

Posted at 11:19 PM, Jun 29, 2009 in Affirmative Action | Courts | Permalink | View Comments



I'm going to argue two points that may or may not conflict.

1. The test was administered with the promise of promotion for those who did well. When it was found out that the test scores favored whites more than it did minorities, the test was discarded. The plaintiffs say this was a racist decision because they were being discriminated against for being white.

2. There's a law on the books from 1971 that says that a company's action (in this instance, the test) may be considered racially discriminatory if it is "fair in form" but not in "operation." In this case, you could say the test was fair in form, but that in practice (or in operation) the test wound up favoring whites.

However, these two points come together in that, while the test may have been technically discriminatory against non-whites, it was also proactively discriminatory to discard the test simply because whites tended to do noticeably better than anyone else.

At the end of the day, though, as one New Haven firefighter Mike Marcarelli put it, "...this is not about Judge Sotomayor. This is about 20 New Haven firefighters that were denied promotion on the basis of their race..." (as quoted at newsy.com)

Posted by: Daniel | July 1, 2009 9:30 AM

Daniel, your comment makes no sense whatsoever. If the test was discriminatory against non-whites, that means that it HAD to be to someone else's benefit to take the test. In this case, the white firefighters were getting a privilege. It is not discriminatory to discard the test if one type of person wins and the other one is put in an oppressive and alienating situation. If one or some lose or are left out, we all lose.

You need to ask yourself if you are thinking critically about this article and about how you are viewing this situation.

Posted by: Aron Patton | July 2, 2009 12:32 PM